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Bills Introduced by Assemblymember Grayson


AB 767 - Victim compensation: use of excessive force by a peace officer

AB 1903 - Crimes: deceptive recordings

AB 1924 - Housing development: fees

AB 1943 - Insulin affordability

AB 2186 - Public contracting

AB 2201 - State prison: services upon  release

AB 2225 - Smog check: exemption: historic vehicles

AB 2232 - Contractors: renewal of licenses

AB 2268 - California state preschool programs: eligibility

AB 2387 - In-home supportive services: needs assessment

AB 2408 - Reverse  mortgages: notifications

AB 2422 - Lead testing

AB 2450 - Air ambulance services

AB 2461 - Employers: prohibited disclosure of information: arrest or detention

AB 2546 - Family daycare homes: licensee duties

AB 2569 - Crimes: juvenile victim confidentiality

AB 2683 - Exterior vehicle lighting: illuminated signs

AB 2727 - School districts: retiree benefit funds

AB 2757 - Electrical corporations: Green Tariff Shared Renewables Program

AB 2818 - Unemployment Insurance: Employee status: definition

AB 3125 - Planning and zoning: housing development: regulation

AB 3144 - Housing Cost Reduction Incentive Program

AB 3145 - Local government: housing development projects: fees and exactions cap

AB 3206 - Consumers Legal Remedies Act: unfair or deceptive practices: selling of personal information

AB 3311 - Vehicles: Insurance


AB 122 - Multidisciplinary teams: human trafficking and domestic violence

AB 185 - California Transportation Commission: transportation and transportation-related policies: joint meetings

AB 596 - Motor vehicle defects: service bulletins and consumer electronic authorization

AB 651 - Air ambulance services

AB  699 - Credit service organizations

AB 721 - Workforce training programs: supportive services

AB 754 - Regional notification centers: GIS data: excavations

AB 757 - Local public safety dispatchers: training: human trafficking

AB 797 - Financial abuse of elder adults

AB 831 - Planning and zoning: housing: development application modifications

Ab 847 - Housing: transportation-related impact fees grant program

AB 907 - Threats: schools and places of worship

AB 928 - Child sexual exploitation: administrative subpoenas

AB 1006 - Manufactured or prefabricated housing units: statewide standards

AB 1025 - Transportation: California Transportation Commission: San Ramon Branch Corridor: reimbursement

AB 1049 - Sales and use taxes: exemption: all volunteer fire department: equipment

AB 1116 - Firefighters: peer support

AB 1117 - Peace officers: peer support

AB 1280 - Crimes: deceptive recordings

AB 1481 - Tenancy termination: just cause

AB 1483 - Housing data: collection and reporting

AB 1484 - Mitigation Fee Act: housing developments

AB 1633 - Regional transportation plans: traffic signal optimization plans

AB 1697 - Housing: tenancy termination: just cause


AB-1905- Environmental quality: judicial review: transportation projects.

AB-1920- Impersonation: search and rescue personnel.

AB-2091- Fire prevention: prescribed burns.

AB-2163- Department of Technology: GIS data: regional notification centers: subsurface installations.

AB-2240- Trial Jury Selection and Management Act

AB-2410- Annual tax: limited liability company small business.

AB-2470- Invasive Species Council of California: California Invasive Species Advisory Committee.

AB-2523- Computer science: content standards: digital literacy.

AB-2593- Air ambulance services.

AB-2851- Regional transportation plans: traffic signal optimization plans.

AB-2869- Career technical education: California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program: carpenter’s pre-apprenticeship programs.

AB-2916- Property tax revenue allocations: qualified fire protection districts.

AB-3002- Disability access requirements: information.

AB-3049- Bar pilots: pilotage rates.

AB-3112- Controlled substances: butane.

AB-3160- Federal public lands: conveyances: defense base closure and realignment.

AB-3187- Biomethane: gas corporations: rates: interconnection.

AB-3223- Special education: visually impaired pupils: braille: Unified English Braille.

AB-3235- Public employees’ retirement.

ACR-60- Autism: sensory-friendly movie screenings.

ACR-165- California Down Syndrome Awareness Week and Day.

ACR-213- Autism: sensory-friendly movie screenings


AB 358- This bill creates regional economic development areas around military bases that have been transferred to a local government agency, and allows those areas to be prioritized for regional, state and federal grants. This bill would facilitate the development of high-potential zones into vibrant commercial and residential areas.

AB 399- This bill allows the GoMentum driverless autonomous vehicle testing project to continue for up to one year after the Department of Motor Vehicles promulgates its deployment rules for autonomous vehicles.

AB 492- This bill protects consumers and homeowners by preventing solicitors from misleadingly charging exorbitant fees for public records that they can obtain more easily and cheaply from county or state offices.

AB 704- This bill allows multidisciplinary teams to share confidential information with each other that would allow law enforcement to more effectively prevent, identify, and respond to human trafficking and domestic violence crimes.

AB 852- This bill promotes transparency by requiring cities and counties to include additional information regarding housing development applications in their annual reports to the Legislature. 

AB 879- This bill improves current Planning and Zoning Law by requiring cities and counties to consider additional relevant factors in the development of housing, including long and short term economic trends, when adopting a general plan for land use.

AB 998- This bill increases transparency in the waitlist process for admission to a Veterans’ home by requiring information to be made available online in a clear format. Currently, a veteran can wait for a long time for a spot in one of the homes, with no online-accessible way to find out his/her current spot. This bill would reduce that uncertainty.   

AB 1116- This bill establishes the Critical Incident Stress Management Services Act to provide first responders exposed to traumatic events with timely and confidential support services by trained professionals. This bill would make sure that any information conveyed to a critical incident stress management team member stays confidential in order to protect first responders.

AB 1242- This bill makes sure a manager of an apartment complex is able to respond quickly and effectively to communications and inquiries from residents

AB 1382- This bill provides free STEM Courses to community college students who graduate from a California high school.  

AB 1469- This bill removes one of the key factors that hinder a low-income student from getting to school, by requiring a school that receives Title 1 federal funding to provide free transportation to and from school for its students

AB 1507- This bill requires certain local agencies that receive tax increment or state funds to have a capital improvement program

AB 1536- This bill creates a fund to support the creation of a streamlined credentialing process for STEM professionals and provide grants to said professionals who want to obtain a teaching credential through this streamlined process.

AB 1655- This bill increases accountability and transparency in University of California cost reporting by requiring that the reported total cost of education be based on publicly available financial information, and differentiated by academic level and discipline. This bill would ensure the Legislature can more accurately determine levels of financial support to UC, and would provide a way to hold UC accountable whenever tuition is increased or decreased.

AB 1674- This bill increases fair access to the University of California for resident undergraduate students by ensuring that qualified California students are not denied admission in favor of less qualified out-of-state and international students.